How many days do I have to return an item?
You have 30 days from the receipt date of the package to request a return. For more information, see the procedure for returning goods in France or from abroad.
Are returns free of charge?
Outside of promotion periods, returns are free of charge from Metropolitan France, including Corsica. From abroad, they are charged to the customer.
What is the return procedure from Metropolitan France, including Corsica (excluding promotions)?
- Enclose this form with your package. It will allow us to identify your return and send you a refund upon receipt of your package.
- Returned products must be in a brand new condition, with tags attached, and returned in their original packaging.
- If you are returning your entire order, please also include the gift items, which are valuable. Otherwise, they will be charged at the price indicated on our e-shop. Thank you for your understanding.
- For more information on the refund process, please refer to Section (Refund Conditions).
What is the procedure for returning items from abroad?
Returns from abroad and returns of discounted items are paid by the customer.
- Take a return form that was included in your package. Fill out your name, order number, the items being returned and the reason for the return.
- If you can't find the return form, please send an email to the customer service. We will send you the form in PDF format to be printed out.
- Include this form with your return. It will allow us to identify your return and send you a refund once we receive your package. For more information on the refund process, please see Section 5 (Refund Conditions).
- Returned products must be in brand new condition, with tags attached, and returned in their original packaging
- Please send the items to the following address:
LOUISE MISHA c/o Sauerbrei Logistics France
À l’attention de Sarah Chama
11 Rue de la Marne
77400 Saint Thibault des Vignes
To avoid the risk of loss or delay, we strongly advise you to send a package with a tracking number.
What are the refund conditions?
Upon receipt of the returned items by our logistics team, in brand new condition and with tags attached, we will send you a refund via the payment method you used when ordering.
The refund process usually takes place within 7-10 business days after the package is received. If you do not receive any news about your return, please write to us via the contact form or directly by email
We do not make exchanges. If you wish toexchange the size or the article, please place a new order on our site and return to us the unwanted articles, which will be refunded.
However, we cannot guarantee the availability of the pieces in the preferred sizes or that special offers will still apply during this period.
Can I keep the gift items if I return my order?
If you are returning your entire order, please also include the gift items (tote bags or other presents), as they are valuable. Otherwise, they will be charged at the price indicated on our eshop. Thank you for your understanding.