It was during a "virtual walk" that we stumbled upon the Instagram account of @hiba_schahbaz. This artist, who lives in New York, puts forward women, their bodies, and also expresses herself through political art. She recently started a series of portraits to support the Black Lives Matter movement by paying tribute to victims of racial injustices. Meet this artist:

Can you introduce yourself?

My name is Hiba Schahbaz and I’m an artist. I live in Brooklyn, New York but am originally from Karachi, Pakistan. I am a painter, and I paint mostly women, often in nature or imagined spaces.

What are your inspirations? Are there any artists that have influenced your work?

I am inspired by women; by their beauty, grace, and resilience. I am inspired by the spirit of nature; I often paint flowers, lakes, mountains, and trees. I love painting animals and birds, and crafting imaginary spaces. An artist whom I am constantly inspired by is Frida Kahlo. She was a visionary and I feel deeply connected to her work, which is so emotional and meaningful to me. I am also very love the work of Matisse; particularly his paintings, which were influenced by Indo-Persian miniatures, and his beautiful cutouts.

How did you come about your personal style?

My painting style has evolved from the Indo-Persian miniature painting that I studied in Pakistan. This traditional art form is very beautiful and stylized. The figures and landscapes are not realistically rendered, perspective is flattened, and the colors of these small paintings are exceptionally vibrant and jewel-like. For many years I only painted small paintings, but recently the women in my painting have become life-sized. They eventually jumped off the paper entirely in the form of paper cutouts.

Women are an inspiration to you, but we would like you to tell us more about them?

I have always painted women, so it comes very naturally to me. I used to draw myself in the bedroom mirror as a girl and have spent most of my life exploring self-portraiture to depict women. I also like to create beautiful gardens and imaginary places—safe spaces for the women I paint to be themselves. I find women very inspiring for their love, creativity, and wisdom. Many of my closest friends are women and I am so grateful for their presence in my life.

Can you describe your work in three words?

Beautiful, giving, strong.

If you could be anywhere right now would it will be? / Favorite or most inspirational place?

I love to experience new places. As I live in the city, I love being in nature when I am traveling. Ideally, surrounded by trees, water, and lots of open sky. Being in a beautiful environment helps me reconnect with myself and let go of my day-to-day preoccupations.

What is your definition of a perfect day?

For me, a perfect day is one where my heart is open and filled with love. I wake up with the sun and begin my day with a beautiful sunrise and meditation. I’m so grateful to be an artist as I get to live my dream everyday. My perfect day would be filled with painting, the people I love, lots of warmth and hugs, and maybe some adventure too.

What’s the coolest thing about the artist’s way of life?

As an artist, I feel that every day is a creative adventure. I love the flow of painting, which puts me in a headspace which feels completely natural and expressive. I never know what will happen at the studio until I get there in the morning. I enjoy the excitement of not knowing what a painting will look like nd each day is a challenge. I’m surrounded by people who love art, creative people making things, writing things, and playing music. It’s an inspired way of life, a world full of imagination where anything is possible.

Your favorite garment from Louise Misha?

I love my vintage flowers dress from Louise Misha. And I’m excited about the organic line. I love the Anjika dress in cream. I wear a lot of pinks and neural colors, especially white. 

What is the most important message you want to get across

Be the best person you can be for yourself and for the people around you. Find a way to give back to the people you love, and to society. Be happy, be creative, and live a life full of love and compassion.

What food, movie, song, book inspires you?

I love food, particularly home cooked meals with family. And I love dessert and cheese—maybe too much! My parents showed my Roman Holiday when I was a little girl, and since then it’s been one of my favorite movies because it’s so full of grace. I try to watch it every year and have soft spot for all Audrey Hepburn movies. I don’t have a favorite song but when I need something extra special, I listen to Prince. During quarantine, I’ve been listening to QuestLove on IG Live because he plays the most amazing music and talks about the history of each song. I’m learning so much from him. It’s hard to choose a favorite book. My mum was a librarian and she began a free library in Karachi when I was in school. I have a great respect for so many favorite books and authors. These days I’m rereading a book that I love, My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk. I relate to it closely, as it’s about miniature painting, and really captures the essence of what it’s like to be a miniaturist.

What’s the best advice you’ve been given?

My mother-in-law once told me that if something is worrying you, imagine the worst possible outcome, accept it, and move on. It works every time.

Any big plan or project in the future? / What is your dream project?

I have a show coming up with De Buck gallery this year. As New York is still largely closed down at the moment, it will be a two part show, an online show of miniature paintings painted during quarantine in May and a gallery show when the art world reopens debuting my new oil paintings. I’m nervous and excited to show my oil paintings, because I only began teaching myself how to paint to paint with oil on linen last year so I’m still learning.