Louise Misha focuses on femininity. The company, directed by women, also has mostly women employees. Louise Misha was born out of designer Marie’s desire to dress her nieces. She then introduced a women’s line. A brand imagined by women … and for women.

“At Louise Misha, women are at the center of everything. They are our inspirations, our muses, our clients …”

The cause of women and the domestic violence they are subjected to affects us deeply so we naturally decided to commit ourselves to Solidarité Femmes. Our financial support specifically helps women find a new place to live with their children so they can escape domestic violence.

A long-term collaboration

In June 2020 we began a first collaboration with Solidarité Femme. We set aside 10% of our sales during one month and thus gave the Federation 11,074€. This success gave us a desire to do things over the long-term. A desire to meet these women who fight to help others. A desire to better understand how we could be useful.

We met Beatrice (director of the “L’Escale” welcome center that houses women who have been victims of domestic violence), Florie (service manager at “L’Escale”), Khadija (its administrative and financial director) and Perrrine who oversees the Solidarité Femmes sponsorships. We had long discussions with these four strong, committed, passionate women about their actions.

Today is November 25th, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. So on this symbolic day we have decided to launch our second collaboration with the Federation by once again giving them 10% of our sales for a month.

In the Field

Most of the time, women arrive at the center after calling the national help line run by the Federation: 3919. They are welcomed by a team of two people: a social worker and a specialized psychologist.

“The principle is to work on deconstructing domestic violence, strategies for protection and how they can leave home.”

An average of 70% of these women have children who, unfortunately, anchor them to their life with the perpetrator of the domestic violence. There are laws. When a woman has children, the perpetrator of the violence against her tends to be the children’s father. So the children and their mother must be protected while adapting to laws.

The Federation and other associations usually say: protecting the mother also protects the child but certain laws are more complicated to implement so one has to know them. Thanks to the legal knowledge of the Fédération Solidarité Femmes, things can advance on this level.

Violence never takes a break

This year with the lockdown, requests for help have exploded! Since families were under lockdown, it made women’s departure from home even more difficult. It is also important to know that all women who are victims of domestic violence don’t leave, some “resign themselves to living with the violence”.

During the lockdown, many women thought it was too difficult to escape. They imagined that outside everything was blocked even though the association continued to function. For this reason it is more important than ever to speak of this problem because this year too many women have been isolated.