On this day, March 8th, it’s International Women’s Day.

A day of advocacy and mobilization to remember that the fight for women’s rights is far from over.

For Louise Misha it’s the opportunity to reiterate our commitment for Solidarité Femmes. This french National Federation for Women's Solidarity is made up of 73 associations working each day to end violences against women and more specifically against domestic violence. This daily universal struggle is unfortunately even more relevant today since the health crisis has provided a breeding ground for an increase in domestic and intra-family violences.


Our support this year unfolds in two parts:

The first one is financial because we commit ourselves to give all of our profits made on March 8th to Solidarité Femmes. Then from the 9th until the end of the week, we will continue to give them 10% of our profits. An action which doesn’t erase the violence but allows the victims and their children to be protected by hosting them in temporary mother and child homes. Last year, Louise Misha has been able to give more than € 24,000 to the federation, which is nearly 342 nights for a woman and her child in a safe house. We hope this year to be able to double our support, counting on the loyalty of our customers.

The second one is happening on our Instagram account @louisemisha. We have decided to devote all day to the subject of domestic violence in collaboration with Solidarité Femmes which will be able to take advantage of our audience of 146,000 subscribers to make their actions known and highlight the words of the victims. Planned this day: testimonies, questions and answers sessions and some key facts allowing to explore the subject of parenthood in the context of domestic violence. Let’s not forget that, if women are the first victims, children are also victims in spite of themselves. A fight that mobilizes us especially because since the beginning, Louise Misha has been supporting all femininity since its inception, from childhood to motherhood. The family is an essential theme for the designer Marie Pidancet, it’s her main source of inspiration and creation. It was therefore normal for her to continue her investment alongside the french National Federation for Women's Solidarity..

@Matt McVay

*When mom asks Inès what "famous person who has done great things", she chose for her school presentation: "You mom! Because you're a warrior!" - Inès, 6 years old