Our winter 20 collection has just been released, for the occasion Marie, the creator of Louise Misha told us about the challenges we faced but also her inspirations ... Happy reading!
« As we introduce our Winter 2020 collection, the emotion is tangible. It must be said that the challenge has been enormous and the mobilization of everyone in the company has been more important than ever. This collection is very resilient. A collection is the culmination of 5 months of intense work from creation to drawings to the final photos. We couldn’t imagine seeing all our work collapse. So, despite the pandemic and lockdown we experienced, we doubled our efforts to achieve the challenge of, once again, offering our clients a beautiful collection this season. As with many other companies, the Coronavirus crisis had a serious effect on us economically.
Louise Misha is a family. A united, kind family. But luckily, as impactful as it has been, this crisis did not knock the wind out of us. On the contrary, together we have overcome it. We are thankful to our workshops, who were also strongly affected by this “health storm”, but who worked intensely, once the lockdown was over, to catch up with the delay.
Right in the middle of these difficult weeks of lockdown, we organized an online sale to collect money for the Hospital Foundation of France. The success was amazing. In one week, we collected almost 10,000 €. This experience was exceptional for our team. We’re very attached to our community and were touched by this support. Since we’re already very close-knit, it gave all of us a boost and a lot of energy.
For many months, we have been working to limit our ecological impact and imagine the most responsible collections possible. Today, it is clear we must continue to advance in this direction. There will be a “world after”, we are convinced of that; we want it to happen and we will encourage it. Together, we will also win the wager to consume in full consciousness while respecting beautiful values. »
Marie Pidancet, Founder & Artistic director of Louise Misha