For this second interview, we wanted to take the time to tell you about another woman who touches and inspires us.

This is Shereen, the founder of the very famous publication Mother Muse. She was keen to create an honest dialogue without taboos around subjects related to motherhood. It is with great kindness and humbleness that Shereen answered our questions, telling us about the creation of her magazine, the reasons that led to the creation of this project, but also the indelible marks linked to the depression she faced during her postpartum period.

An intimate encounter with this inspiring woman!

Can you introduce us to your magazine in a few words?

Mother Muse is a fashion and lifestyle printed publication available worldwide that focuses on the quality of slow living and modern motherhood. Filled with original artwork, articles, interviews and editorials we dedicate on curating a quality book for the women that inspire us everyday.

How did you start this project? What was your inspiration?

I struggled with postpartum depression after my first and felt a little lost. Grieving the girl I once was before motherhood and the woman I became after motherhood. During this time of finding myself and balancing time for self care I felt the need to create something that would help me and other women struggling with the same.

You sublimate femininity and motherhood through your articles ? Do you think there’s some taboos that are still important to break in 2020 ?

Absolutely, women still feel the need to hide conversations around menstruation, stretch marks, formula feeding and more! There is still a lot of important conversations to have for women.

What are the next steps for Mother Muse Magazine?

Mother Muse has always been a passion project that I don't force or push. I let organically grow and flow with the opportunities. After this year I am just really pacing it and rolling with the punches. I will revisit goals mid 2021 that I had planned for this year and see if it still works. Right now I am just very thankful I have this incredible community and glad women needed Mother Muse as much as I did.

What has motherhood changed for you and how you see the world?

Biggest change has been my confidence and style. I feel in tune with my body and who I am. Perspective of the world is we need to cherish each day and I am extremely grateful to raise my family in such a safe space.

What kind of mother are you? What values do you want to share with your kids?

I am a calm responsible mother that believes having conversations about how we feel is so important. The values I would pass on to my children is: Empathy, honesty, and passion. They are both already strong willed but I want them to learn these gentle aspects in life and most importantly the power of manifestation.

What is your Mantra?

"The secret of attraction is to love yourself"

In which way do you feel close to Louise Misha ? Do you have a favorite product ?

I absolutely love Louise Misha for its way of capturing femininity and the feeling of travel. The product is like poetry. My favourite piece is the jumper Slatina in Blush.