Our history

« Louise Misha is a voyage and a continual need to getaway. And since our beginnings in 2012, it has also been a story of friendship and the story of a family.
But today, above all, Louise Misha is an extraordinary human adventure shared with a united and kind team, talented, respectful suppliers and also with loyal clients who have always been there to make Louise Misha’s heart beat more strongly. » 

Marie Pidancet, Louise Misha’s founder and designer


Through each collection, Louise Misha plays with fabrics and colors to imagine fashion that is in keeping with its image. The company’s signature is the care given to each detail. There are no restrictions - the field is wide open for movement and freedom!

A human fashion: The love of sharing, an ode to freedom

Louise Misha advocates an art of living, values and principles at the center of which the human being fits naturally. Louise Misha is a hand stretched out towards a fashion that raises awareness of its responsibility at each level of its development. Far beyond the production of simple clothes, the brand works to imagine a free and independent fashion, a fashion that conserves resources and a fashion that is committed to raising awareness.

The words of Marie Pidancet Louise Misha's designer

“ Louise Misha is a state of mind. Joyfulness, colors, an open mind, curiosity, an unlimited taste for traveling and adventure and ... lots of softness. "

" On the team, we always try to be kind to each other, listen to one another and be gentle. This is very important for me. Our team is mostly women (we do have one man on the team right now), even our workshops are directed by women. So for that reason, Louise Misha is about a femininity. We want that all the women feel free and beautiful. "

“ My grandfather Jean Laude, a poet and art critic, was passionate about African art. So I grew up surrounded by the pieces he adored. It had an effect on my imagination and developed my taste for primitive art, travel, folklore and local cultures. "

" As for my father, he was passionate about painting. He showed me the work of many artists who are still references for me today like Matisse, Schiele or even Van Dongen. In fashion, vintage pieces, old embroideries, fine laces and old-fashioned clothes have always inspired me. "

"My mantra is that anything is possible. It’s important not to limit oneself based on what others would have you believe. My different trips to India have always been very spiritual. I believe in karma. I’m convinced that life gives you back what you give it."


“ My mantra is that anything is possible. It’s important not to limit oneself based on what others would have you believe. My different trips to India have always been very spiritual. I believe in karma. I’m convinced that life gives you back what you give it. "


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